I have been champing at the bit to show this on my blog.
I joined in on the Op Shop Swap hosted by
Jody Pearl from Re-Inventing fashion blog and Sew Outiside the Lines on Facebook.
I was over the moon with my swap partner Zaranne and feel we were a match made in heaven.
Zaranne loves organic gardening, vintage fabrics, recylcing and reusing. Right up my alley!
My head was a spin for days, with ideas galore,
but in the end I decided on a gardeners apron with pockets full of little treasures.
The apron was made from a thrifted denim dress
and the binding was a gorgeous vintage child's skirt that was absolutely adorable,
and I have had it in my stash for ever, waiting to use for something special just like this.
The pockets were cut from thrifted jeans and I used the belt tabs for to tie stockings on for securing vegetables and holding the vintage scissors.
I included a gorgeous little stone heart.
One of the pockets held a mixture of vegetable seeds, perfect for winter sowing and spring eating and the other had a packet of native wildflowers.
And I engraved silver spoons with the names of different vegetables
to be used as markers in the garden.
This was so much fun to make and I was tickled pink with how well it came out.
So looking forward to the next swap!
Joining in here.....